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Here you can find some of the activities I help creating! Please contact me if you want to try them!

2050: A new world - Board Game
2050: A new world - Board Game

2050: A new world

A decision-making board game to encourage discussion about what are we doing as scientists (and as a community) to adapt to climate change. This game was first presented as a workshop in the Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2019 and later in the Climate Change Festival, Cambridge Zero. You can learn more about the game, download it and look for future events by clicking here.


You can also read more about it in our latest publication: 2050: A New World—Observations from a Policy-Making Board Game for Climate Change Engagement.

Pollinators Blitz

A card game for children to talk about how plants attract their favorite pollinator using all sorts of tricks! The game was developed in collaboration with Stefano Gatti and the help of Alice Fairnie from the Sainsbury Laboratory of Cambridge University.

Contact me if you want to know more!

Pollinator Blitz Card Game
Pollinator Blitz Card Game
Bumblebee Board Game
Bumblebee Board Game

Pollinators in the Orchard

A cooperative family board game to discuss the importance of bee pollination for food production. This game is still under development, we are adjusting the rule book and other bits and pieces... Send me a message if you want to try it! 


Scientists love to talk about their work... And I'm not the exception! I like to explain about plants! how they feel what's going on around them, how they change their bodies to survive, and more...

One of my most recent presentations was during the Fascination for Plants day 2019, about how plants perceive temperature; but the one I loved the most was when I went back to my primary school and talk with the kids about what a Scientist looks like (and what they do!)

Big Biology Day
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